2009年11月4日 星期三

Useful web information site

Six Revisions - This site provide useful information for the web developer.
Everyday, it provides a article which is practical, useful. Sometimes are some new modern standards, modern techniques.

The articles are written by a few web developers and designers. They all are professional on this field.

There are lots of tools introduce for the testing the accessbility, color design, web analytics..etc.
For example
14 Brilliant Tools for Evaluating Your Design’s Colors
this articels introduce famous free tools to evaluate the web site design colors.
This really help on design the website.
Those tools are easy to use and user friendly to perform a beautiful color schemes.

It also provides tutorial for the visitor to follow those tutorials can speed up the develop workflow processes,
For example,
Create a Clean Business Web Template Design in Photoshop
I love this tutorial, it shows the step clearly and detail.
we can follow those steps to perform the design very fast.

As this site update the articles on everyday.
We can keeptrack on this sites to learn more about the web information.

